Be Fit then Run!

Our team is a group of experts in various fields motivated to crate the RUN FITTING project by the question of: “What to do so that everyone can enjoy running without injuries and break their lifetime records?”.  Through our knowledge and experience in working with many triathletes, we have noticed a lot of repeatable patterns. We were particularly interested in cases of similar injuries which pointed to specific problems in the body and technical mistakes. We have decided to rid them of this pain and let them run freely.


The answer to that problem, especially among people who start their adventure with running late, is the RUN FITTING program which helps determine the cause of an injury. Thanks to Our coordinated work and Your engagement we are able to overcome any obstacle and achieve great success!

Extensive experience

The trust of our clients

The best experts

Localized right in the city center

Preparation and execution of the program:

  • Tomasz Świderski

    The creator and manager of the RUN FITTING project. A physiotherapist and the founder of Feel It, a company specialized in developing pro-health programs for big companies and of Feel It Therapy – sports regeneration. He gained his business experience working with Poland’s biggest companies. As a physiotherapist, he worked primarily with sportsmen.


  • Paweł Wieczorek

    Physiotherapist, cofounder of Feel It Therapy, in charge of RUN FITTING examinations and analyzing results. Daily, he works with a vast group of professional runners and triathletes which let him create the RUN FITTING testing formula. Paweł specializes in finding and eliminating movement restrictions which slow runners down and cause injuries.

  • Gosia Świderska

    Motor preparation trainer (AWF), graduate of studies in the field of nutrition and supplementation in sports. She put her wide training experience into developing tests in RUN FITTING and training programs in RUN TRAINING. Currently works with triathletes with great success as well as with people longing to fix their figure.


  • Mateusz Kaźmierczak

    18 years of experience in triathlons on a world level. Multiple Polish Championship medalist. His trainees achieve world-class qualifications. A husband and a trainer to Hanna Kazimierczak, also a leading triathlete in Poland.

    Mateusz is a triathlon, running and swimming trainer. After finishing the RUN FITTING testing, he will train you to correct your running technique.

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